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Site Updates, News, Myths, Miracles

This page will contain updates to the site as they are implemented. Use this page of the site as a reference to the latest changes and news in feral cat caretaker news & the use of MA as a feline birth control.


UPDATE: Feb. 2020: I see some veterinarians are changing minds about MA/Nonovulin & have even referred some of their customers to my website. Others have told me their vets have even RX’ed them MA after reading this website. The tide seems to be turning for the best!



UPDATE: Feb. 10, 2017: Ebay has stopped the sale of the Bulgarian Nonovulin/MA without a prescription. However, you can still buy it online from the original reputable E-Bay seller WITHOUT a prescription. Go to:


Another source:


I am NOT affiliated with either of these sources but I have indeed safely bought MA from them in the past. Contact them for more info.


UPDATE: MARCH 8, 2016: Has the ACCD softened their once harsh stance on the use of MA as a feline contraceptive? Is there a crack in their info dam to open up to the use of MA? We’d like to think that this site & the 1000’s of users of MA has changed their minds. A few years ago, ACCD would not have had this info on their site. Read it HERE.


UPDATE: MARCH 7, 2016: I have updated a few dead links & general site maintenance.


People ask me “What’s New” for MA? Actually there really isn’t any “new” news as far as MA is concerned except we all KNOW that it works. Since my last update a year ago, I have received hundreds of emails from satisfied users of the Ebay MA/nonovulin or RX MA from their vet and they all say the same thing: NO NEW LITTERS following the dosing guidelines on this site! There’s no new dosing guidelines and nothing really on the horizon to replace the use of MA. For now, “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it!” so continue to use this website as a reference for dosing your colonies with MA.


Also, please DO NOT email me asking where to get MA! If you do so then that means you have NOT read this website in it’s entirety as I plainly state above how and where to buy MA without a veterinary prescription.


You would not believe how many emails I get asking me this question when all one has to do is READ this site. I seriously doubt that some of these people should even be trying to mix MA if they can’t follow simple directions. READ THIS SITE ENTIRELY and then READ IT AGAIN! I do NOT sell or RX MA! The sources for you to obtain MA are on this site.


UPDATE: March 11, 2015: I just got an email from a reader that reported she has been using the Bulgarian Nonovulin MA pills for 32 straight weeks with ZERO pregnancies in her colony! Great! MA works folks.



UPDATE: March 10, 2015: Added an English translation of a 2003 French study on the side effects of megestrol acetate. This study basically squelches the naysayers of MA out there who say the side effects of MA are dangerous. The study concluded that the risk of adverse reactions of using megestrol acetate in felines was .074 in 100,000 pills sold! See HOME page of this site for a PDF copy of the study. Or you can download it HERE.


UPDATE: September 15, 2014: Some people have said that their Ebay Bulgarian Nonovulin mixture molded after a few days of mixing. This is because the tablets do contain lactose. It is best to mix up only the required amount necessary for any given week to prevent spoilage. See the 10 MG Tablet mixing page for mixing the Nonovulin or any other MA tablets DRY without liquid.


UPDATE: October 31, 2013: I have added a mixing and dosing page for those of you that are now using the 10 MG each MA tablets purchased without a prescription from E-bay. These pills are available from Bulgaria. I have added information on obtaining these below as well. If you are using the 10 mg each MA tablets, please click HERE for your dosing and mixing instructions.


UPDATE: October 30, 2013: People have been emailing me asking how MA is working for me. I am happy to state that I have had ZERO new kittens in my colonies since 2012 when I put the colonies I care for on MA as per the dosing guidelines I have outlined on this website.


For those asking, I will implement the “Home Vet-Pet Tips” page soon. I have decided to hold off on doing it until I can get the information written up in an easy-to-understand format. This is for the safety of the cats.


UPDATE: October 29, 2013: Megestrol Acetate can be purchased on Ebay

WITHOUT a Rx! I ordered it from Bulgaria. Do NOT follow the instructions included with the packet. Follow only the dosing instructions on this website for estrus prevention in feral cats by dissolving the pills in distilled water! I have now included dosing and mixing instructions for the 10 mg Nonovulin tablets HERE.


UPDATE: May 09, 2013: I did successfully order megestrol acetate online without a prescription from a doctor. The site I ordered them from has a doctor that “consults” your order when placed and approves or disapproves of the prescription. I specifically stated to the company when I ordered the pills that I was using the megestrol acetate for FELINE USE ONLY. Be sure and state this when ordering. I received 100 pills of “Endace”. Each pill is 40 MG of megestrol acetate. I used a credit card for the order and the order arrived promptly within about 10 days. The online company that I purchased the pills from was International Drug Mart. I do not work for this company nor is this an official endorsement for them by me. Use this site at your own risk. I myself had no problems at all when ordering. The pills plus shipping was about $60. The 100-pack of pills will last a LONG time for feline birth control. Since these are 40 mg tablets, you will need to follow the mixing dosages for 40 MG tablets as outlined here. The price is still kind of expensive but for those of you who are having trouble getting a vet to RX you megestrol acetate, this is about the only option you have. In the future, I hope to put other more affordable sources for megestrol acetate without a prescription. Keep checking back here for more info.—Dean Jones, May 09, 2013


UPDATE: Jan. 7, 2013: Some of you are emailing stating you are having a hard time finding a vet to RX MA pills for your colony. Some vets will never be convinced to RX MA. I myself have just placed an order with an offshore pharmacy that came highly recommended by friends. I have ordered 100 count, MA pills, 40 mg each for $66.00 + $12.00 S/H. These 100 pills will make up 800ml of liquid suspension birth control for $66.00 + S/H. I did this WITHOUT a RX as the pharmacy will provide an “in-house” doctor to approve it. Once I have received the order and see that it is not a scam, I will post the details here for those of you that may wish to go this route. I’m brave...I’ll be the guinea pig for this to see if it is legit & that my Visa card is not hacked. Keep checking back. –Dean



UPDATE: Jan. 6, 2013: The “Home Vet-Pet Tips” page will soon have information that will show you how to easily and affordably replicate the following products:


How to make your own Capstar pills for pennies—safe and tested by me already.


How to make your own “Program” flea control for pennies—again, safely tested by me already. “Program” is a once a month flea-control tablet that breaks the life cycle of the flea. Once you have fleas controlled with Capstar & Frontline or Advantage, then you should implement Program. I’ll keep you posted when that page is setup and ready to go live. At the moment, is just asks for a login and is not ready to go live.–Dean